Wednesday, June 13, 2007
"Knowing Who your friends are."
This has also given me help to know just who my friends are as well. A few people who I thought were friends did not bother to e-mail me or say a prayer for me or anything. It helps me know the real friends who will be there for you when you lose a friend, or are going through a tough time.

Thank you so much for your prayers and for caring about me. I truly appreciate it.

Thank you for your encourgament as I felt guilty for not writing to her the few weeks ago before she went missing. to know I shouldn't be down on myself for that I had no way of knowing this would happen. I appreciate your care and concern for this tragedy as well

Ladi JO:
thank you for your prayers as well

Gazelle, Rebecca, all the women on christian women of power thank you for your prayers and caring.

I am going to need a lot of friends now. I don't want to come to the realization that my friend has drown or the fact that she may be dead. This is really hard for me to handle right now.
thanks again

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posted by Woman of Faith at 9:16 AM | Permalink |