We both had negative words spoken in us that damaged our self worth and image. We both felt like we didn't have friends at church who understood us. So we made a small group of 3 myself, Alicia and a guy named Justin. Who seemed to understand us both. Became good friends.
I remember one guy that just started coming to the church told her she looked like Sandra Bullock. She would just laugh and say I get that a lot. I can't even watch a movie with Sandra Bullock in it. She looks so much like my friend it makes me miss her all the more. It's been 1 year and 1 month since her disapperance. They are no further in knowing whats happened. They let her case go dead cold. They arrested the man who hurt her but he of course won't confess to anything. I am hoping to start a special group for those whose loved ones are missing and offer some support, where they can share stories of their own experince.s make friendships with those who have been there. Maybe write letters a place where they can write one another. Just be around those who have been there. So many people don't understand dealing with this kind of thing. I've been told get over it! Well its not that easy. When you have a friend who goes missing or a loved one? than come and talk to me. See if you can get over it so easily.
Labels: Alicia