Friday, June 22, 2007
Dealing with insenstivity
It seems to be everywhere around me as I am dealing with my friends dissapperance. From a christian board who told me I cannot post about my friend's candle light vigil in the member announcements when members can announce their events. Whats up with that? Anyway I won't be going on that board anymore.

Insensitive comments from people who don't know my friend and have no room to judge. They don't know what its like to have a friend missing. The day to day of not knowing whats happened to her. Judging her character when they know nothing about her.

The word says Judge not lest you be Judged. That seems to fall by the wayside a lot. I know I can be just as guilty by clapping when the ex boyfriend of my friend got 20 years in prison for drug charges but didn't confess about doing anything to my friend. Thats not the christian thing to do. As hard as it is I do forgive this guy because Jesus would want me to and Alicia would want me too. It doesn't make it easy.

This is a tough time in my life. I know God and friends on Moms making a difference will get me through. for any mom reading whose not in this group its a great one please join

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posted by Woman of Faith at 7:37 AM | Permalink |


  • At June 22, 2007 at 8:32 AM, Blogger Melissa Sheldon


    (((hugs))) I am so sorry that you had that happen. That breaks my heart.

    Know that I am still praying for Alicia, her family, her friends, and you. It must be devastating to have to go through this.

    On the judge thing, it is funny you should write about that. I was just polishing up a devotional about that.

    Love you, sister!

  • At June 22, 2007 at 9:04 AM, Blogger Rebecca

    Holy cow, what board was that? Actually, you don't need to tell me - that would be gossip...just as bad..but geez! Ugh, some people *shaking head*

    Stay strong, sister, and keep in prayer.

    Love ya,