Monday, July 21, 2008
Starting the Alicia Foundation
I am working on starting the Alicia foundation. I am going to start by posting about my friend on this blog. Sharing the story on how we met. As well as how I learned about her dissapperance. There is a mix of emotions people aren't aware of that you go through when facing something like this. A lot of people who have not walked through that door don't know the pain involved. They think you can bounce back really fast on something like that. They tell you get over it! Until you walk through that door you just don't realize its not that simple. Especially if you have no closure on what has happened to your friend. No answers. Being left hanging. They are no closer now than a year ago. Believe me I had numerous insenstive people tell me to get over it.

Its not that easy. I will be posting more about my friend. I posted a blog about this desire of mine on the alpha women website as well. Want to start a place for people like me who are or have been walking through this. Be it a family member or a personal friend of yours. I am hoping other friends of Alicia's would also want to take part in this and get together as well.


posted by Woman of Faith at 1:44 PM | Permalink |