Wednesday, June 20, 2007
"Alicia's Law"
You know with such injustice with domestic violence toward women, I am tempted to write the senate about this issue. There needs to be stiffer penalties for this kind of thing. They tend to put people in jail longer for animal cruelty then they do for child and adult abuse. (especially in abuse towards women.) This suspect they arrested for instance in my friend's case. He severly beat her and what did he get a suspended sentence. No jail time. If he were behind bars where he should have been my friend would be alive today and in my life. This kind of injustice has got to stop.
I'm not sure what steps I need to take in this but whatever they are I will do them. To ensure other women will not go through this type of thing. I'm so tired of the injustice for the innocent victims and for the crimnals getting more rights.
Its not right. I'm tired of the justice system not taking domestic violence aganist women seriously. Thinking its a big joke. I'm tired of all this injustice towards women and children as well. Something has go to get done. I think they need to do a abuser registery like they do for sex offenders. Where everyone will know this man or in the rare case woman is an abuser. They should have to wear a big sign in the middle of the street wherever they go that says
HI I'm Randy and I abuse women! Maybe then they will think twice on doing this to people. They should not get luxury treatment and good food in prison and should have to pay for their meals. Just my thoughts. Anyway Who will stand with me on this?

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posted by Woman of Faith at 8:19 AM | Permalink |


  • At June 20, 2007 at 10:30 AM, Blogger Rebecca

    I just saw a news report about a judge in Kansas who gave probation to a guy who was convicted of raping a 14 year old girl seveteen times!!! I wanted to puke!

    Anyways, I totally think you should write your senate - write congress - write everyone! I am with you sister!